On Saturday I got invited to play baseball with some of the kids that go to the school that I'm working at. I find it hilarious because if you have 5 Americans what would be the best activity for them? Baseball and McDonald's of coarse. Whats more American than that. The other day one of my little Asians asked me do you have baby inside or did you go to McDonald's. I didn't get upset with the little girl. Because lets face it isn't her fault she has not been exposed to the effects of childhood obesity. She also doesn't have the genetic makeup that says every winter you must keep on the pounds also known as winter weight. Those Asian mothers just layer their children like marshmallows one day in the younger class we counted how many layers we were wearing. One child said Teacher I have seven! (this is not a joke because I questioned him at first but he definitely took this one home) Sorry I get so side tracked. When I was invited to play baseball I immediately got nervous because first of all I haven't played since tee ball. Which not a whole lot has changed except my hair is a little bit manageable and I'm taller. We were picked up and crammed into a car like little sardines. Its a good thing Asians really know how to lap it and it also helped that we caught a ride with the smaller of the bunch. We went to an elementary school to play some baseball. One thing I have to mention is that most parents in Taiwan do not speak English or they are a little scared to attempt the language. So the children usually translate. One of the little Asians were a little scared at first. But with in the first hour I felt like she was attached to my leg. One of the parents then said "we must stretch" "then we run". I thought to myself oh no. They really take this seriously. If I have to already start running I'm not going to make it. I just don't have the endurance. We do some stretches and run around the track. Then another parent says "we must play" they quickly set up a tee ball contraption. I immediately think Oh I can handle this. We started playing at 5 till sun down. The young Asians have quite the stamina because it is very hard to run base to base with at least two little Asians attached to each leg. It weighs you down a little bit more. It was funny I didn't have to pay attention to when I was suppose to bat because this Asian would just come up and say you now. We then ate McDonald's and lit lanterns while the children showed us the play equipment at their Chinese school. I now know why Asians are so small and stay fit. The play equipment is work out equipment. If those little Asians had any idea. They might throw a riot and only go to school 8 hours a day instead of 12! It was a lot of fun getting to know some of our students families and seeing how they act around them. You could tell that the parents were very proud that they were improving their English. While my quality of speaking English is diminishing but I guess it wasn't high quality to begin with.
MAY 2024
2 months ago
I love that you call them asians! It seems like you are really doing the work. I'm proud of you man.